Cool Web Vids presents fun, puzzling, shocking, enchanting, odd video clips for free!
This is your place for viewing cool videos freely available on the net. At frequent intervals I will post new videos from Google Videos, YouTube, and other great video sites. Some you may have encountered before, and others will be totally new, and rarely seen footage. Homemade music videos, footage from movies and TV, speeches, and more. See it here!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Parody on old american educational vids
The story about the Lollipop Tree from Citizens Against Safety Goggles is a fun and yet embarrasing parody on the classic american educational videos, we outsiders have only seen in comedy shows.
This video is called "Never sale my stock share". It is a chinese tune, quite catchy, and obviously is about stock trading or similar capitalist, market oriented money stuff.
The Simpsons - intro spectacular - and more Simpsons stuff
Everybody loves The Simpsons, yes you too, and most people realize that the intro differ a bit from time to time. This intro is very spectacular and exceptionally well done.
Fortunately (doh!) the series has made it in to a movie (see more on, here are some trailers from The Simpsons Movie.
Another Simpsons Movie trailer:
And yet another Simpsons Movie Trailer:
Finally, if you haven't had enought of The Simpsons yet (who ever will), here is a three-part view of The Simpsons Inside the Actors Studio. Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Oh, and in my Simpsons frenzy I have to add this one, too. A Simpsons mash-up of the 300 Movie trailer (seen here before in LEGO):
There are so many cool videos out there. Some people make small movies, documentaries,
catch fun situations, or even upload clips from their favourite movies. This is for us all to see, online all the time.
The purpose of this blog is to show off some of the more spectacular movie clips I find at odd times.