Funny voice
A dutch talk show features a guest with an extremely funny voice. Don't mind not knowing dutch, just enjoy the show host break up in laughter.
This is your place for viewing cool videos freely available on the net. At frequent intervals I will post new videos from Google Videos, YouTube, and other great video sites. Some you may have encountered before, and others will be totally new, and rarely seen footage. Homemade music videos, footage from movies and TV, speeches, and more. See it here!
A dutch talk show features a guest with an extremely funny voice. Don't mind not knowing dutch, just enjoy the show host break up in laughter.
John Titor is most likely the worlds bestknown time traveller. He used the internet to communicate with a large group of people the years he was in out timeline. He claimed to have travelled back from the year 2036. He also predicted future events (historical events to him).